Sunday, June 12, 2011

To quote DJ Lance Dance..

"I feel AWESOME". 
For those of you who do not have little ones, DJ Lance Dance is the MC on Yo Gabba gabba which is on Nick jr. 

With my counts as low as they where this week Dr. M decided to start me on neupogen injections I had three this week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  The pain from neupogen was very different from neulasta.  Neulasta felt like the flu, it was a general ache and pain.  Neupogen I actually felt in my bones might crack in half.  Neulasta was more my upper back and shoulders and Neupogen was lower back and hips as well as massive pain in my jaw.  However yesterday and today I feel great.  I have not felt this well in a long time.  I accomplished so much yesterday.  I finished two organization projects I have been working on, changed the sheets on on our bed, organized our family room and a few more little things that I have been pushing off.  Today, though I feel great, I have been a bit more distracted but plan to get my butt in gear soon.  I am pretty sure I will be getting these injections for the next 11 weeks however I can deal with two or three days of feeling like my hips might crumble when I move to feel as great as I did this weekend!!!  Maybe next weekend I can go outside and weed our landscaping, or shampoo the carpets, or give Jack a bath, organize my dining room.... Oh, think of all of the things I can get done!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny. I hope you found some time to rest in there! Thinking of you- let me know how everything goes today. :)
