Monday, June 20, 2011

Price chopper and Sams here I come

My blood was very average today. I did not need a shot which is wonderful. My family can eat this week!!! Dr R said to keep with the precautions Aunt Carol will touch all doors and push the cart. I will just point and pay. I am all good to get my third taxol treatment on Wednesday!


  1. WOO HOO! :) Good blood!

  2. I did not make price chopper, I plan to get that done today. :).

  3. My grandmother used to burn her eyebrows off all the time lighting her cigarettes on the stove when I was a kid, so I learned how to do replacement brows at an early age. I suggest Revlon Colorstay brow enhancer to draw the brow on and then use a clear mascara (or brow tamer) to create brush strokes on the drawn-in brow to make it look like hair(only once or it comes off!) and walla.... cool new eyebrows! :D My brows are 75% pencil because I have buckshot brows and have to pluck most of them, even the ones on my chin (haha). Now when your hair comes back in and you want to tease it up to Jesus you just give a hollar and I'll be there with the spray. Luv ya!
