Friday, February 18, 2011

Should I change the title????

So here is the "game plan"  I am getting one new boob (the left one).. The right one will be a work in progress.  For right now it will remain the same.  But when I am done with radiation and all shrinking has taken place,  I will have a secondary surgery to exchange the expander for an implant.  The right one will be reduced and lifted to match. I said to the doc that my goal is to buy a blouse, he said most people say they just want to put a t-shirt on to go to the store.  Jeff laughed and said she will never not wear a bra,  which is true, I dont leave our bedroom with out one now.   On a great note, I bought some new jeans size 4!!!!!!!!!! They are from the gap so I am sure in real life they are really a 6 but who cares they say 4!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kim - don't change the name - eventually you will have 2 new boobs. One implanted and one revamped - so both will be "new".

    Like reading your blog - keeps me connected, but allows me to hover on the fringe. Let me know if you need anything!
