Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choose to be Happy..

I have been spending a bit more time in our "reading" room than I used to.  The other day I got reading an article in one of my old cooking magazines, it was about controlling your mood.  Every morning we all can choose to be happy or not.  I found this article to be so true.  I try to deal with what is thrown at me and make light of it and move forward.  I try not to let things get me down.  Even yesterday while talking to the radiation oncologist he said his part was much easier than the chemo.  I said I was glad to hear because honestly the chemo isnt too bad.  Yes, I have a bad day but I blame that more on the Neulasta.  I also feel one bad day every other week isnt too terrible either, considering I am getting a combo of two drugs given to me at dose they normally would give every three weeks.  We also spoke about how if you go in to something with a good attitude you tend to have a much better outcome.  He also talked about staying active.  Walking, going back to the gym etc.  I had to cancel my membership due to chemo since they did not want me using the machines while my counts are low (I guess the are germ factories).  So I will be looking for a treadmill for home.  Guess Jeff will have no issues trying to figure out what he can do for me for mothers day this year. 

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