Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warm and Fuzzy

I keep getting asked when I will start chemo, the first week of April, if I find an Oncologist.  I have met three so far.  The first one I really liked and the facility but it is not local and not practical so they are out.  If it was just chemo every two weeks that would be okay but I need to have injections and blood checks so it is more of a commitment.  I met a doc up here on Tuesday, and he was really nice but I didnt get that warm fuzzy feeling that everyone says I will have when I meet the right doc.  I met another one yesterday and her office smelled like a litter box so she is out.  I set up two more appointments for next week with two others.  I dont know what my problem is.....  Cleaning people and Oncologists....................


  1. Echo's oncologist is awesome, but she is just for dogs ;), however I know what you mean about "feeling" its the right one. She oozes confidence, positive energy, and talks to me like I have more than half a brain. My questions don't seem like a bother to her, and no question is deflected. And she doesn't smell like kitty litter. The right one is out there for you, keep the faith! Glad to see you up and OCD'ing about dust again, love ya!

  2. Yes I'm pretty much back in the swing of things, still alot I can not do with Maddie. I'm driving and cooking again. I loved Jess's oncologist too. Funny Jeff suggested I just go to ASC for treatment.
