Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday Week...

Jeff is a firm believer that Birthday celebrations should last longer than just a day.  I think this is great, I just wish my Birthday was earlier in the month.  I usually get about two weeks of celebrations since I am the 23rd. 
Sunday we packed up the car and headed to one of my favorite things.  Greyhound Friends spring picnic.  The rain held off though the ground and air were damp and the sun was nowhere to be found but it was a great day.  It was great to catch up with some of our two legged friends as well as some of our four legged ones as well.  We found up the sad news that our very first foster has lymphoma his owners are going ahead with chemo and are hopeful however it is still sad.  As we all sat around a picnic table chatting Dexter (he will always be Dexter to me) came over to give me a big kiss, so sweet!!! 

Monday, my actual Birthday, Jeff decided to spend the day with Maddie and I.  My only plans for the day was go to the Oncologists office to get my CBC done.  As we got to the office we realized Maddie had fallen asleep in the car.  Jeff stayed with her as I ran in.  My blood results sucked.  I mean worse than came back bad.  The normal range for my WBC is between 4-10.  Usually the week after chemo I have been around a 3 this past week I was 1.2.... Infections are always a concern.  So I am back to taking my temperature three times a day and tracking how I feel.  I filled my cipro prescription as well just in case a fever spiked in the middle of the night. So far so good however it was still depressing to me to get the numbers.  I felt like I had just failed a test.  I am aware there is nothing at all I can do to "help" increase that number.  I can not boost it by eating good foods or rest, there is nothing I could have done.  I actually cried a little in the car about my results.  I know crying over this it is silly, it is weak and I hate being weak.  I quickly pulled it together and got over my pity party for one.  Then we headed to Danbury, Jeff thought a trip to Williams Sonoma would be just the thing to get me out of my funk.  It was great to walk around the store and touch all the kitchen gadgets.  I did not find anything I needed, earlier this month I went to a pampered chef party with Julie and stocked up on gadgets there.  We did however shop for Maddie.  I love Janie and Jack clothes, we picked out two dresses  and  an outfit for her there.  We also had her foot measured at stride rite and it was one size bigger so we replaced her sneakers there then hit baby gap to get some more jeans.  It was a very nice day with just the three of us. 
By the time we got home Deb was here in Newburgh or Marlboro to be technical.  She came down and visited with Maddie then CaCa and gram headed down and we went out to dinner.  It was very nice and fun.  Maddie was a huge hit and had a huge appetite to match.

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