Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dry Run

Well as much as I hoped they would surprise me with the radiation today it was just an hour worth of x-rays. I do much better when ambushed, I guess I did not stress that enough to the doctor. Today also does not count as day one. I did ask. The nurse did not look at me strangely either when I told her about my time line.

While in the "room" I noticed a chair in the corner near the hallway, I asked if that is where my husband could sit tomorrow. They quickly replied NO, he would be exposed to the radiation in that area. AGAIN, please tell me why I am showing up and doing this willingly??? This chair was at least 40 feet from the table and arm that is so targeted it will only zap my left boob in between parameters they set up, so how is it going to get Jeff????

33 days... I just keep repeating that over and over and over again... It will go fast.


  1. It WILL go fast. You've been through 6 months of the chemo so 33 days is NOTHING, right? :) You can totally do this!

  2. Thanks!! I think mother nature is a real B!!! I already cancelled my CBC for today because of flooding. What a mess!! My grass looks amazing though. Sorry Keith and Mattew :)
