Thursday, May 17, 2012


I know what your thinking, who am I.. Don't worry I agree. I have a few things we have purchased lately that are awesome, and worth spreading the word about.

As I mentioned my washing machine bit the dust. As much as I hated to spend the money on a new one, Honestly why couldn't Aunt Carol continue to do our laundry... Except when she does Maddie's towels they are not soft enough for our princess. Anyway my new top loading whirlpool is awesome!!!! My clothes are clean. My whites are white again. They have even gotten the Caca seal of approval. Just a little background on that. Aunt Carol hated that my whites always looked dingy. I couldn't help it she insisted that it was my electric dryer and that I do not hang my clothes outside. I will never hang my clothes outside, we are all too allergic to the outside and I just hate the way that looks. So when AC did our laundry she would always pick on my whites. She was highly annoyed that Jeff's undershirts where not as sparkling and starched as his dress shirts. She actually said I should get a second hamper and more shirts and she would do them weekly for Jeff. I am super anal about things. More so than people may know. I can spot a cheap suit or bad shoes (men's) a mile away. This was a quality I had even before Jeff. I also hate when a man has a dress shirt on an no undershirt under it. See told you I was a bit crazy. A button down collar with a tie also drives me nuts. The list can go on and on.... Sorry for getting off track. Now my whites bothered me but honestly who sees Jeff's undershirts. No one.. So I was not loosing sleep over it. I had a black shirt that was stained white from deodorant and now it is all black again. Amazing. It is also quiet. I mean my house no longer sounds like a landing pad. My house no longer shakes. I actually leave the laundry room door open so I can hear when it is done. My new washing machine is awesome!!

I got a Mani and pedi a couple weeks ago. The guy doing my nails pushed this gel manicure. He said it would last two weeks. I though yea right. Unusually can not leave the nail place with out a smudge or chip. I am almost at the two week mark and it is still going. I am pretty impressed.

My pillow. Both Jeff and I had heard the infomercials. Since there was a money back guarantee we figured what the heck and ordered them. They are great. Maddie loves hers. I usually slept with my head built up high and I don't with this pillow and Jeff is even sleeping on his back. I feel like I fall asleep faster and I feel refreshed in the morning. AC and UJ ordered them too and seem happy. Check out retailmenot if you plan to order for coupons.

Lastly Jeff has us all hooked on kind bars. They are fruit, nut granola bars. They are all natural with ingredients you can pronounce. While shopping this week I saw they had a bag of cereal. Both Maddie and I had some sprinkled over Greek yogurt for breakfast. This stuff is great and good for you. It is even cancer approved!! I get a lot of articles about Heath and nutrition. One very alarming one last week on nitrates, one hotdog a week can increase your chances of colon or rectal cancer by 40%. That is just crazy. Good thing we never eat them but we do love bacon. Oh well guess we will be giving that up too, unless I can find some natural nitrate free bacon. There must be a farm around here somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for the suggestions! We celebrate the gift of life and our mission is to try to help others enjoy it as much as possible. Learn more about what we do here:
