I went in for a follow up yesterday with David. It went well. I have been cleared to wear a supportive non underwire bra I no loner have to wear a sports bra 24/7 which was very nice to sleep lastnight. I can also exercise again. He did sag nothing crazy like crossfit or a bootcamp (which I have been looking into). However he is fine with "normal" people exercise. I do have to wear a sports bra. It's funny because they David and his nurse keep reminding me of the importance of wearing a bra. I was much bigger on top before this. I always wore a bra. If you are top heavy you know what I mean, it is uncomfortable to go with out.
So now to the coils be better.... One of the incisions on the reduction side is not healing as cleanly as they would like so at some point later they will probably have to cut it and re-stitch i. Now to the implant side. That is healing nicely however I have this extra skin that is swollen near my armpit and looks like another very small boob when I close my arm. I do not have it on the right side. We will give it some time to see if it is fluid or scar
Tissue. I may have to have Lypo-suction on it to clear it up. So all and all it was a good check up with some stuff to watch. I think I may order some Zumba DVDs today!! And call the gym about a new membership. :). I need to loose weight! Well more than I have. Still no decision on a "thank god this I over" trip.....
Hmm. That went well… You should monitor those regularly and report everything to your surgeon. They would know the nature of those issues. Well, from what I see, they all are. You just need to loosen up and not worry too much.