Wednesday, October 19, 2011


There are three types of oncologists, surgical, medical and radiation. The surgical oncologist was very worried about my pain and management off it. They tried different cocktails of meds and reminded me to take colase. The medical oncologist gave me more pain meds, meds to help if I spent too much time in the bathroom, and several types of anti-nausea meds. Both wanted me to not feel the effects of surgery or the poisons they gave me. For some reason the radiation oncologist makes me feel like a baby when it comes to pain. I am a firm believer in "push through" the pain. I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I was dressed and ready to go home 24 hours after a major surgery. However I get third degree burns an they make me feel like I am belly aching. The radiation doc did apologize for the severity of my burns and said that radiation is more of an art than science. Since they want the skin to burn however not too much, the burn does not happen right away either. When I met with him yesterday he said he was glad that I pushed the issue on Friday to get the numbing cream. I don't know why they just did not give me an rx for that from the get go. I walked around for awhile with a cipro rx before I needed it why not do the same.

The pain is still pretty bad and I find wearing a bra excruciating. The burns are not as dry any more and now I am being monitored for an infection. I am looking forward to Monday, however that brings on a whole new set of emotions I will blog about in a different post.

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