I dont know if it is the cancer or not. However I pretty much stay off facebook these days, because I just dont care if you are stuck in traffic, stubbed your toe, or just having a bad day. I want to reply to these post and say "well at least you do not have cancer.." Honesty the cancer part of my life isnt even that bad. The taxol is pretty easy, I am not nauseas, I sadly do not have any food issues (I do crave bad foods, zepollis, chessman cookies and pies, this is why I have gained 18lbs since the beginning of this). The neupogen is one of the hardest parts and the time commitment. I do not think people realize how busy cancer makes you. Last week or example, I was off Monday (however cleaned the house and did laundry). Tuesday was chemo and we went to Tracy's to swim. Wednesday was neupogen, an appointment for Jeff and an impromptu trip to Staten Island. I did have a nice dinner however I do not think the car ride was smart after the injection. Thursday Neupogen and same on Friday and you all know the rest of story. This week I only get two injections however have a list of thing to accomplish before the week ends. Then we start it all over again..
I feel when I talk to people on the phone that unless it is for a purpose it is a useless call. Hearing people complain about nonsence brings me down. I need to work on this.
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