I could not wait to see my CBC today. I have been bursting with energy. Yesterday, I did so much. Jack got me up at 6:46, so we had breakfast and watched Boomer and Carton. Maddie got up at 8am. Shortly after 11, I realized a morning nap was not in our game plan for the day so we headed out to work on my list.
First stop: town hall. I am pretty sure you must be over the age of 60 to work for the town of Newburgh. I needed to renew Jack's dog license and turn in papers in for Jessie.
The lady helping me was so sad to hear of her passing and knew how hard it was. I did not know this woman, maybe she is an animal lover. She did ask how we lost her and I said to bone cancer. We had done all we could for her but it came back and we had no choice. She then noticed I didn't have hair, so she asked what was going on with me, I said I, too, had cancer, but it was breast cancer and that I am doing really well.
I didn't know how to answer her either so I really need to work on that. We have been dealing with this since January so it is not odd for us and I need to realize this could be a shock to people that do not know what is going on. I don't know how to answer someone who emails me and asks how I am.
My stock answer is,
"Good, however, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, had full mastectomy in March, started chemo in April, I am on the second half of my treatment and once that is done at the end of August I will start radiation that should be over in October then I get new boob."
See why I need to work on this? That is a mouthful for a simple "How are you?"
After the town hall, we hit Home Depot for a new water filter. They did not have any so we got Jack's food at Petsmart, then hit Lowes for a filter. While there, I looked at the new Electrolux vacuum. It was nice looking and the price wasn't bad. I do not need a new one, but the commercial fascinated me.
Our final stop was Price Chopper. We headed home after that had lunch and it was nap time. Again, I was bursting with energy, so I cleaned the outside of some of the windows, steamed the kitchen and powder room floors. I polished the hardwoods, I washed and dried all laundry in my house. I washed the kitchen cabinets (I do not believe I have done that since moving in). I cooked dinner and gave Maddie a bath. So as you can see, I thought I was over the moon with white blood cells.
My count was 3.9. That is not terrible and I am still getting chemo, however, I was hoping for less neupogen this week. Nope, I am getting three. We did ask if it is something Jeff can give me and we are waiting to see if they can do that for us. We also found out the maker of neupogen is a publicly traded company, so we will be investing in it, since it seems like I will keep getting this crap.
My pointer finger on my right hand looks black and blue. I showed all involved and Jeff thinks I must have hit it. It doesn't hurt me at all, however, I have a pretty good pain tolerance unless it is my Port or neupogen.
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