Sunday, March 27, 2011

Started my weekend with a $4 bottle of wine and it ended it with a whittled nipple

How is that for a title........

On Friday I needed help with Maddie.  Aunt Carol had a party to go to and Jeff had to be in the city.  After asking a few people Dan came to the rescue.  All I had to do was make dinner for him.  If I havent stated it recently, I love my IPHONE.  I downloaded a cooking app, put in a few ingredients we had in the house and out came a recipe for chicken cacciatore.  The recipe called for a very dry red wine, so off to mid-valley I went.  I did not want to waste time so as soon as I went in I asked for a dry red to cook with.  They have have always recommend great wines, so I followed the lady.  She said not to laugh, the wine was on sale for $3.99 (it was normally $4.99).  The sales lady said it was a good drinking wine too, so I bought two....
As I was cooking I tasted the wine and it was really good.  I showed it to Dan and he has had it before and enjoyed it.  By the time Jeff made it home we had finished that bottle and started another.  Most of the first bottle was in the food.  After Maddie went to bed the second bottle of my spending spree was opened.  At this point neither Dan or I could have pulled off any sort of joke on Jeff, so we just made him guess what I spent on it.  He stated with $5, I said no he said $50 (which I would not do unless it was for a special reason).  Dan decided to spill the beans and tell Jeff what I spent.  We some how got on the topic of my surgery and pathology and some of my questions and concerns.  I had said that before they took my bandages off that I was hoping my nipple would still be there.  I knew from what Laurie and  from every thing I read that it would not be, but I still hoped.  I was sent a copy of my pathology report and right there it stated my nipple was in Teterboro, NJ.  Dan didnt understand either why they just could not clean it off and re-attach it.  Jeff didnt get why I felt so attached to my nipple but not the whole boob, which is in NJ as well.  Honestly I dont know why I wanted my nipple.  Jeff assured me that all the doctors that I have seen said that they would make me a new one.  Im not sure how I can have such a candid conversation with Dan yet laugh the entire time.  Friday ended very late.....

Saturday was pretty normal we went to Queens to celebrate Grandpas birthday.  No one was concerned about my nipple.

Sunday (today) Christina came up or over, what ever.  We went to Sams (because who doesnt come to the 'burgh and want to go to Sams club).   We some how got on the topic of Friday and my $4 wine and how good it was.  We also talked about dumb things people say to me or silly things they assume.  Aunt Carol, who does not have a strong stomach for things had asked about my nipple, I told her it was in Teterboro, NJ.  Then we talked about reconstruction, I told her that at my secondary (breast surgery) they would make one for me from thigh fat.  Aunt Carol looked so relieved, she thought they took skin from the wall of what Oprah calls her Va-Jay-Jay.... I assured her that they would not be doing that.  When we got home from Sams we visited with Jeff a bit and Christina said that she could not believe where Aunt Carol thought my new nipple would come from.  Which is how we got to whittled nipples.  Dr F had said in one of our many meetings that he would just whittle a new one.   Jeff sort of pictured the fairy god mother from Cinderella wand and all, bipity bopity NEW NIPPLE. Christina pictured some old man sitting on porch with a stick and a knife whittling away making me a new nipple.  We laughed alot. 

So to recap my weekend, people seem concerned about my nipple, its in New Jersey... And I got a pretty good bottle of wine for a great price. 


  1. I had so much fun yesterday with you guys just laughing!! I love that when we get together, we don't have to do anything really but chat and have a blast. :)

  2. Well I am glad they are NOT taking anything from your Va-Jay-Jay!! WTH!! Sorry your nipple is in NJ. It should be somewhere nice where it can get some sun, now that you don't have to worry about exposing it to the sun!

    glad you had a great time this weekend. Laughter is a wonderful thing!
