Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last Monday 1/23/11... What an odd day.  It started by a man from verizon showing up to inspect work, that I had been stood up for.  He assured me that we could get fios even with the snow outside, that I just needed to call again and tell them that our house was a candidate for above ground wires.
As Maddie ate lunch I was on hold with verizon when I got a beep, it was the radiologist from MKMG.   He has a part of the pathology back.  He said one needle aspiration was reactive and the other came back with abnormal cells. He suggested I give a breast surgeon a call.  I called Jeff and together we had so many questions.  The radiologist has the day off, so I decided to reach out to Lederman.  I should have known better, in true form he said to me, "what part of breast cancer are you not understanding?" " Did the other doc not give a breast surgeon name?"

I then reached out to a friend that I have who by chance happens to be a breast surgeon.  I told Catherine all that I had been told and she asked that I have all reports sent to her.  Well at 5:06pm, it was confirmed.  I was diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer.  Catherine had reached out to a doctor that she knew and trusted at Beth Israel and they could see me the very next day.  Jeff ran around to get all films and reports so we could go to Dr Kirstein armed with everything.  I felt so comfortable speaking with her and her nurse.  We spoke about further testing and surgery.  Because it is invasive I would need to have full mastectomy I was not a candidate for a lumpectomy.  We also talked about getting a clearer picture of what was going on in my entire body as well as the right one.  We spoke doing both depending on some genetic testing.  We spoke about having other children, and was encouraged to see a fertility doc.  I had a busy Wed a head of me....

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